quinta-feira, 7 de abril de 2011



Exercícios Básicos de Inglês

Exercícios Básicos de Inglês

Para lições sobre os temas dos exercícios apresentados, consulte a página de Gramática Básica aqui do site. O site Grammarnet (em português) também é recomendado.

Artigos, Pronomes e Adjetivos

Artigos: a ou an
Artigos: a ou an 2
Subject Pronouns: use o pronome adequado
Subject and Object Pronouns 1: I, he, she… ou me, her, him…
Subject and Object Pronouns 2: I, he, she… ou me, her, him…
Possessives 1: my or mine?
Possessives 2: my or mine?
This, These, That, Those: use o demonstrativo correto
Comparison of Adjectives 1
Comparison of Adjectives 2

Present Simple (to be)

To Be, Present Simple: conjugação
To Be, Present Simple: passe as frases para o interrogativo (yes/no)
To Be, Present Simple: faça as perguntas para as respostas dadas (yes/no)
To Be, Present Simple: forme perguntas com question words

Present Simple (outros verbos)

Present Simple 1 (vários verbos)
Present Simple 2 (vários verbos)
Do, does, is, are 1
Do, does, is, are 2
Present Simple or Continuous
Do or Make

Present Continuous

Present Continuous 1
Present Continuous 2
Present Continuous 3

There is / are

There is, there are
There is, there are (perguntas e negativas)
There was, there were
There was, there were (perguntas e negativas)

Past Simple (to be)

To Be, Past Simple: is/are ou was/were?
To Be, Past Simple: afirmativo e negativo
To Be, Past Simple: forme perguntas com question words

Past Simple (vários verbos)

Past Simple 1
Past Simple 2
Past Simple 3
Past Simple 4

Past Continuous

Past Continuous
Past Continuous and Simple


Present Continuous (significado futuro)
Future Simple (will)
Going to

Present Perfect

Present Perfect 1
Present Perfect 2
Present Perfect 3: Have you ever…?
Present Perfect 4: for-since-ago
Present Perfect vs. Past Simple 1

Used to

Used to (ações passadas) e Simple Present
Used to do X Used to doing


Clothing (roupas) 1
Clothing (roupas) 2
Emotions (emoções)
Everyday Objects (objetos do dia-a-dia) 1
Everyday Objects (objetos do dia-a-dia) 2
Food and Beverage (comida e bebida) 1
Food and Beverage (comida e bebida) 2
Fruit (frutas)
Furniture (mobília)
Home Appliances (eletrodomésticos) 1
Home Appliances (eletrodomésticos) 2
Household Objects/Parts (objetos/partes da residência) 1
Household Objects/Parts (objetos/partes da residência) 2
Household Objects/Parts (objetos/partes da residência) 3
Kitchen Objects (objetos de cozinha) 1
Kitchen Objects (objetos de cozinha) 2
Telling Time (dizendo as horas)
onde você pode aprender vocabulário básico
Language Guide (com figuras e pronúncia), ManyThings (listas em inglês), ZapEnglish (com tradução e áudio)


Plural de Substantivos 1
Plural de Substantivos 2
Some / Any
They’re, There are, Their

Leitura e compreensão de texto

Os exercícios abaixo são baseados nas notícias do Simple English News - apesar de serem bem fáceis, os textos às vezes contém vocabulário que não é tão básico! Para ajudar, use um tradutor on-line como o do Ectaco.

exercicesGramática de Inglês: verbos no Simple Present

Gramática de Inglês: verbos no Simple Present

Complete os espaços com a conjugação correta dos verbos no Presente Simples do inglês.

Clique em "Verificar" para ver o que você acertou.
Kristin (wake up) everyday at 7. She (brush) her teeth and then (take) a shower. Then she (meet) with her friend Jennifer and together they (have) breakfast at a little diner near the office. They (get) to the office at around 8:30. Kristin (go) to the first floor, where she (work), and Jennifer (take) the elevator to the 11th floor, where her office (be). Later, they (meet) again at 12 to have lunch.

crisw brom e hiana

administrative professionals day

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Administrative Professionals' Day (Also known as Secretary's Day) is an unofficial secular holiday observed in the United States on the Wednesday of the last full week of April to recognize the work of secretaries, administrative assistants, receptionists, and other administrative support professionals. In 2010, it was on April 21, 2010. In 2011, the date is April 27, 2011



[edit] History

National Secretaries Week was created in 1952 through the efforts of Harry F. Klemfuss, a New York publicist.[1] Working in conjunction with the National Secretaries Association, later known as the International Association of Administrative Professionals (IAAP), Klemfuss wanted to encourage more people to consider careers in the secretarial/administrative support field.[1]
The official period of celebration was first proclaimed by U.S. Secretary of Commerce Charles Sawyer as "National Secretaries Week," which was held June 1–7 in 1952, with Wednesday, June 4, 1952 designated National Secretaries Day. The first Secretaries' Day was sponsored by the National Secretaries Association with the support corporate groups.
In 1955, the observance date of National Secretaries Week was moved to the last full week of April. The name was changed to Professional Secretaries Week in 1981, and became Administrative Professionals Week in 2000 to encompass the expanding responsibilities and wide-ranging job titles of administrative support staff.

[edit] Modern celebration

Over the years, Administrative Professionals Week has become one of the largest workplace observances. The event is celebrated worldwide through community events, social gatherings, and individual corporate activities recognizing support staff with gifts. In the United States, the day is often celebrated by giving one's assistant gifts such as flowers, candy, trinkets, lunch at a restaurant, or time off. The IAAP suggests that employers support the holiday by providing training opportunities for their administrative staff through continuing education, self-study materials, or seminars.
Administrative Professionals Day is a registered trademark with registration number 2,475,334 (serial number 75/898930). The registrant is the International Association of Administrative Professionals.